
Country Place Veterinary Clinic offers general health care for exotic companion animals including pocket pets such as guinea pigs, sugar gliders, chinchillas, gerbils, hamsters, rats, and mice. We also provide care to rabbits, exotic birds, turtles, iguanas, bearded dragons, and more.

Exotic companion animals are unique and delicate and are becoming more and more popular as pets. Their anatomy, physiology, and behavior are vastly different from dogs and cats, yet they require the same amount of expertise and care. We offer advice on all aspects of an exotic pet’s diet, husbandry, hygiene, habitat, and general care needed for a healthy lifestyle.

Yearly wellness examinations are strongly recommended for all exotic companion pets. Because they are so unique, exotic animals require special care, and as is the case with all animals, they have natural traits that need to be maintained such as the length of nails, teeth, and beaks. The wellness examination is also an opportunity to review care and husbandry requirements and to detect possible problems early in an effort to treat health conditions before they become advanced.

Another trait that is typical of these remarkable animals is that they instinctively hide their symptoms of illness as long as possible. Just because they look healthy does not mean that they actually are. That is why it is very important for pet parents to watch for any changes in behavior, appearance, sleeping patterns, activity, feeding patterns, skin or feather changes. If you live in the vicinity of St. Martinville, Catahoula, or Coteau Holmes, and you notice any of these changes, give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Difficult medical cases are referred to the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Zoological Medicine Department.

Clinic Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00am - 5:30pm

Saturday - Sunday


For after hour emergencies,
please call:

Lafayette Animal Emergency Clinic (337) 989-0992

LSU, School of Veterinary Medicine (225) 578-9600

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